Pleasure alternatives

You’ve just got that promotion at work…. POP goes the champagne. Handed in your dissertation……you ROLL that spliff. You make it through that dreaded meeting…..TEAR open the chocolate.

Celebration and reward is a big part of first world living. It is all well and good and we encourage you to celebrate and reward at any opportunity. But; the problem is that many of us do so with substances that can be addictive and cause harm to the body. I expect many of us have been in the situation where a reward has turned into a binge event, or turned into a damaging habit.

Rewarding with things that are harmful to the body is deeply entrenched in our culture. I have fond memories of my mum buying me sugar laced flavoured milk whenever I “did good” as a child. It happens everywhere all the time, so much that you don’t question it anymore. We challenge you to question it. Start thinking about how you reward and celebrate things in your life....

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Let’s talk about Habit and Addiction…….

There are many different views out there on the various aspects of addiction and bad habits. From what it is, how it affects our brains to what we should do to change our lives.

Our model is all about choice. The way we look at it is that you weren’t born with this particular behaviour so somewhere along the way you chose to do it (consciously or sub-consciously). If you learnt to do it, guess what,,,,,,,,,,,,you can unlearn too!!!!

We prefer to say a habit that you want to change, that isnt working for you anymore, rather than addiction. I personally do not want to have an addiction or be an ex addict. Those words conjure up so many negative connotations, for the person but also within society. I am not a fan of labels, I like to name the behaviour not the person. I prefer to say that I used to do certain things, behave in a certain way, that wasn’t useful for me or others. What I did was recognize this and change my behaviour so I could be the person I wanted to be. I...

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