Cutting out cocaine? Start at the bar.

addiction alcohol cocaine Aug 30, 2016

Alcohol and Cocaine. A Match Made in Heaven? How to Break the Cycle. 

Your cocaine use has become a problem, maybe you are a weekend binge user with your alcohol, an occasional party user, or maybe it has got out of control and you are using a lot and often.

Searching for how to stop taking cocaine? It might be that you only use cocaine when you have been drinking and you would really rather not.  It adds to your disinhibited feeling when you are drunk, adds a confident edge to you that actually you don’t really like even though it may feel good at the time; or compounds the feeling of “oh no what did I say and do last night?”. Who did I talk at? Who did I offend?

Cocaine and alcohol

Alcohol is a gateway to so many things and drug use can be one of those things.  If you are someone that only takes cocaine (or other drugs) when you have been drinking and your intention is not to take any drugs, then the simple answer is take some time off the...

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Top Tips for dealing with friends and family.

Top Tips for dealing with friends and family when you want to stop drinking.

You don’t even need to stop, maybe you just drink less or change your drinking.  But let’s face it, the first people to notice are your friends and family.

You would think you would just be able to make the change and no one notice, but oh no, we are a nation of drinkers (sorry I hate saying that, but it’s true). And most are too quick to comment on the fact you are drinking a soft drink.

For whatever reason you have taken steps to quit drinking, or even just reduce, gain control, great.  And as you know if you are even a week into this, you feel healthier, happier, you are sleeping better, work is easier, relationships have improved and you are exercising more (maybe).  Anyway it’s all good, it’s a win win.  You feel like you have discovered a secret.

That is, until you have to go out, or there is a family get together, or a work function.  It...

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Extra - Ordinary People Podcast #1

I love people and I love real life stories. Real stories about change. It can be motivating and inspiring to hear how people everyday transform their lives. If they can, imagine what is possible for you?

If you need a bit of motivation have a listen to Vicky's story of change.

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UK Health Radio interview.

addiction alcohol habit Jan 25, 2016

Listen to my recent UK Health Radio interview with Janey Lee Grace.

click here to listen UK Health Radio interview with Janey Lee Grace

Talking all things alcohol, health, mental health.

If you want support to be able to stop drinking, then message me.

Or if thats a bit forward check out my Free videos

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If you do what you have allways done.

You will get what you have always got!!!
Sounds obvious doesn’t it?
But you would be surprised at the amount of people I speak to who are doing things they don’t want to do any more. Or maybe they want their life to be different but they just can’t figure out how to get there.

I love these little sayings, they are so simple and clear.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result.

Are you stuck in a routine of bad habits for whatever reason? It could be that your weekend fun has turned into a daily habit, or your weekend fun isn’t so fun anymore, causing you more problems than its worth!! Or maybe your little treat that you had control over, now has control over you.

It’s quite simple really: TAKE ACTION. Do something different no matter how small and then keep doing the different thing until your life starts to change. The rule here is that the new habit you choose needs to be-
• Something you enjoy!

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12 Signs you need to change your drinking habits.

Alcohol is one of those funny drugs (well, not so funny). It is legal, yet it is also one of the most harmful. Unfortunately a large number of the population assume that because it’s legal it’s safe.
It’s also readily available, in supermarkets, petrol stations and on TV. It’s pretty hard to turn a corner without seeing a reference to alcohol.

Drink-related hospital admissions have doubled in the past decade, and a scarily large number of those with alcohol problems don’t realise there’s an issue until their life takes a turn for the worse. Here are some of the warning signs to look out for:

1. Drinking out of habit

Drinking should be a social event, a special occasion. It should be something we do in moderation, like a takeaway. So if you find yourself regularly coming home after a hard day and the first thing you do is reach for the bottle opener. Think again!! This is a habit. Take a week off. If you find yourself unable to go even one day...

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Pleasure alternatives

You’ve just got that promotion at work…. POP goes the champagne. Handed in your dissertation……you ROLL that spliff. You make it through that dreaded meeting…..TEAR open the chocolate.

Celebration and reward is a big part of first world living. It is all well and good and we encourage you to celebrate and reward at any opportunity. But; the problem is that many of us do so with substances that can be addictive and cause harm to the body. I expect many of us have been in the situation where a reward has turned into a binge event, or turned into a damaging habit.

Rewarding with things that are harmful to the body is deeply entrenched in our culture. I have fond memories of my mum buying me sugar laced flavoured milk whenever I “did good” as a child. It happens everywhere all the time, so much that you don’t question it anymore. We challenge you to question it. Start thinking about how you reward and celebrate things in your life....

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Let’s talk about Habit and Addiction…….

There are many different views out there on the various aspects of addiction and bad habits. From what it is, how it affects our brains to what we should do to change our lives.

Our model is all about choice. The way we look at it is that you weren’t born with this particular behaviour so somewhere along the way you chose to do it (consciously or sub-consciously). If you learnt to do it, guess what,,,,,,,,,,,,you can unlearn too!!!!

We prefer to say a habit that you want to change, that isnt working for you anymore, rather than addiction. I personally do not want to have an addiction or be an ex addict. Those words conjure up so many negative connotations, for the person but also within society. I am not a fan of labels, I like to name the behaviour not the person. I prefer to say that I used to do certain things, behave in a certain way, that wasn’t useful for me or others. What I did was recognize this and change my behaviour so I could be the person I wanted to be. I...

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